Breakfast -Lunch-Dinner

Open 7 Days A Week
6 AM T0 9 PM

We serve breakfast anytime!


Whether you are in the mood for basic eggs and bacon or you are a little more adventurous and dive into our signature garbage plate. We have a wide variety of breakfast items to suit anyone.


Not in the mood for breakfast? Well you can get anything on our menu anytime we are open. Our variety of lunch sandwiches, burgers and hot dogs will surely fill any appetite!


For an even bigger appetite try one of our dinner plates. Our ribeye and steak tips are very large portions and very tasty.

10% Discount for Military, Police, EMS, FireFighters,

We Accept To-Go Orders!

Give us a call


Custom Shape Pancakes

We love making our customers happy. Our cooks can whip up some pretty cool pancake shapes. Challenge them to create a custom pancake for you!